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रात भर जमकर पेलना है तो ये खा लो, बीवी की फाड़ दोगे || ek tukda kafi ha...
रात भर जमकर पेलना है तो ये खा लो, बीवी की फाड़ दोगे || ek tukda kafi hai biwi ke liye
सेक्स पावर बढ़ाने के 20 आसान घरेलू नुस्खे (20 Easy Home Remedies To Increase Sex Power)
1) लहसुन को सेक्स शक्ति बढ़ाने और सेक्स संबंधी कमज़ोरी को दूर करने में बहुत उपयोगी माना जाता है. लहसुन की दो-तीन कलियां रोज़ाना खाने से सेक्स क्षमता बढ़ती है.
2) प्याज़ सेक्स शक्ति बढ़ाने में काफ़ी सहायक है, ख़ासतौर से सफ़ेद प्याज़. जिन्हें सेक्स संबंधी कोई भी कमज़ोरी हो, उन्हें प्याज़ का सेवन करना चाहिए. इसके लिए 6 मि.ली. प्याज़ का रस, 3 ग्राम घी और ढाई चम्मच शहद एक साथ मिलाकर रोज़ सुबह-शाम पीकर ऊपर से शक्कर मिला हुआ दूध पीएं. यह प्रयोग 2-3 महीनों तक करने से वीर्य में वृद्धि होती है और सेक्स शक्ति बढ़ती है.
3) दिन में दो बार जामुन खाने से भी काफ़ी फ़ायदा होता है.
4) 200 मि.ली. गाय के दूध में एक चम्मच शहद मिलाकर पीने से वीर्य की कमी पूरी होती है.
5) 15 ग्राम सफ़ेद मूसली की जड़ को 1 कप दूध में उबालकर दिन में दो बार लें. इसके नियमित सेवन से नपुंसकता और शीघ्रपतन से छुटकारा मिलता है.
6) सेक्स इच्छा बढ़ाने के लिए 150 ग्राम गाजर को काटकर हाफ बॉयल्ड अंडा और 1 टेबलस्पून शहद मिलाकर दो महीने तक दिन में एक बार खाएं.
7) सर्दी के मौसम में सुबह दो-तीन खजूर को घी में भूनकर नियमित रूप से खाएं.
8) 1 ग्राम जायफल का चूर्ण सुबह ताज़े पानी के साथ लेने से सेक्स क्षमता बढ़ती है.
9) सेक्स शक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिए रोज़ाना 100 ग्राम छुहारे खाएं.
10) कूटे हुए छुहारे, बादाम, पिस्ता व बेल फल के बीज को समान मात्रा में मिलाकर खाने से भी सेक्स संबंधी कमज़ोरी दूर होती है.
Friday, September 17, 2021
How men can improve their sexual performance
- reduce anxiety
- improve erectile dysfunction
- enhance relationships with sexual partners
- increase stamina
These changes can make sex more enjoyable and satisfying for everyone involved.
1. Focus on foreplay

Some men believe that penetration is the most important, even the defining part of sex.
2. Try the start-stop technique
Men who want to last longer during intercourse can try the
3. Try something new
Sexual pleasure thrives in an environment of passion and excitement.
In addition, it can help to do something new with a partner outside the bedroom, such as:
4. Manage anxiety and stress
Strategies for managing anxiety and stress include:
- focusing more on physical sensations than sexual performance
- exercising
- getting more sleep
- working to improve relationships
- meditating
- spending more time on a favorite hobby
- going to therapy
- taking psychiatric medications
5. Quit smoking
6. Open communication
Speaking freely can significantly improve sexual experiences.
7. Address relationship issues
8. Get more exercise
- While urinating, stop the flow of urine. Repeat several times and learn to identify the muscles involved.
- When not urinating, try to contract these muscles for 10 seconds. Relax them for 10 seconds, then contract them for another 10 seconds.
- Repeat this cycle of contracting and relaxing 10 times each day.
9. Practice mindfulness
10. Try an herbal remedy
11. Consider counseling
Erectile dysfunction is often due in part to psychological factors. These can include:
- anxiety and depression
- relationship problems
- social stigma associated with aging or penis size
- untreated mental health conditions
- a history of trauma
Relationship counseling can help partners to speak openly about sexuality without shame or judgment.
12. Talk to a doctor
13. Manage chronic health problems
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Home Remedies for Increasing Sexual Stamina
Meaning of Sexual Stamina
- What is Sexual Stamina (Libido)?
- What is the reason for decreased Sexual Stamina?
- What are the Symptoms of decreased Sexual Stamina?
- What is the Treatment for decreased sexual stamina in Women and Men?
- Best Home Remedies for Increasing Sexual Stamina
What is Sexual Stamina (Libido)?
What is the reason for decreased Sexual Stamina?
Some of the following signs or symptoms of decreased sexual stamina are common.
- Absence of proper ejaculation
- Premature ejaculation
- Not being able to satisfy your partner
- Absence of complete satisfaction
- Not being able to have sex. (Read more – Information about Sex Education)
What are the Symptoms of decreased Sexual Stamina?
There can be many reasons for the lack of sexual stamina. Let us explain further.
- The most common cause of decreased sexual stamina is old age. In women, with aging, the vagina starts narrowing and its walls start thinning. Men have difficulty in getting erections.
- Some diseases affect your sexual stamina. These include diabetes, urinary tract infections, high BP, erectile dysfunction, enlarged prostate, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. Also, excessive obesity may cause a decrease in sexual power.
- Extreme stress and anxiety can cause a decrease in sexual power. The tension causes a rift between the couple, which reduces the feeling of love.
- Insufficient blood flow in the genitals causes a decrease in libido and sexual activity begins to decrease.
- In some people, not consuming nutritious food, not exercising, and not getting enough sleep can affect their sexual health and sexual stamina starts to decrease.(Read more – Benefits of exercising in the morning)
What is the Treatment for decreased sexual stamina in Women and Men?
- If there is a decrease in sexual power due to a poor lifestyle, then the doctor can make some changes in your diet. Apart from this, he may advise you to exercise daily, practice yoga, avoid alcohol consumption, and get enough sleep.
- The doctor may prescribe you some medicines to improve your sex life. However, if the medicine is not having any significant effect, then you may change it.
- In some cases, testosterone replacement therapy may be used. Some blood tests can be done to find out whether testosterone replacement therapy can improve the lack of libido or not. (Read more – Use and Benefits of Condoms)
- If there is a decrease in sexual power due to stress and anxiety, then psychotherapy is advised to reduce your stress. Psychotherapy helps relieve stress.
Best Home Remedies for Increasing Sexual Stamina
The following are the Remedies for Increasing Sexual Stamina.
- White radish – Prepare a powder by mixing isabgol, gokhru, kaunch seeds with white radish. Mix a spoonful of this powder with some milk and drink it in the morning and evening. It helps to increase sexual stamina and sperm count in men.
- Strawberries increase sexual energy – Strawberries are sweet in taste and beneficial for health. It contains many nutrients that help to increase sexual power. Both men and women can consume it. It is rich in antioxidants that protect against heart diseases. If you want to increase sexual stamina, then eat strawberries.
- Use of cinnamon – Mix 2 grams of cinnamon powder in a glass of milk and drink it daily. Cinnamon helps improve sexual health. This greatly improves your sex life.
- Almonds – Almond is a dry fruit. It contains good amounts of vitamin A and zinc. It enhances the sexual health of men and also promotes fertility. Zinc increases sexual hormones and keeps your blood circulation intact. Men should eat soaked almonds every morning. (Read more – Benefits of Almonds)
- The use of dates is beneficial – Dates are a type of nuts. Eating roasted dates in the winter season has many benefits. Drink cardamom milk after eating dates. Doing this for a few days will help in reducing infertility and increase the sense of sexual activity. (Read more – Advantages and Disadvantages of Dates)
- Garlic increases sexual stamina – Garlic has antiviral, antiseptic, and anti-bacterial properties. You can use garlic with honey. Crush some garlic, add some honey to it and store it in a jar. After a few days, have one spoon of this mixture daily. In a few days, you will notice changes in your sexual health.
- Use of Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha is beneficial for health. Taking ashwagandha powder with milk daily enhances the semen quality of men. It also increases sexual desire. It provides relief from sexual weakness. (Read more – Benefits of Ashwagandha)
- Avocado Enhances Sexual Power – Avocado is also known as a superfood. It contains vitamin A, potassium, vitamin B6 in abundance that improves blood circulation in the body. Lack of libido is reduced by taking it, as well as sexual strength also increases. Avocado is also beneficial for health. Both men and women can consume it.
- Use of Amla – Amla is rich in Vitamin C that is beneficial for hair and eyes. Apart from this, it helps to increase sexual stamina in men. Make a powder of dried amla and mix honey in it and consume it twice a day. Sexual health gradually improves with daily intake. You can enjoy a good time with your partner. Apart from this, drink a glass of water after eating amla, it also increases a person’s physical strength. The person starts feeling very fresh.
- Use of dry ginger – Prepare a powder by mixing dry ginger with akarkara, pippali, and black sesame seeds. Take a spoonful of this powder with milk before going to bed at night. In a few days, you will notice changes. It makes semen powerful and stimulates sexual desire. It is a good herb for those who want to improve sexual health.
- Dry dates increase sexual energy – If you want to increase sexual stamina, then grind three to four dry dates, four almonds, two cashews, and mix it in a glass of milk and drink before bedtime. It increases sexual desire and makes sexual health better than before. Use it for a week only, and you will get good results.
- Use of basil – Make a powder by crushing basil seeds and white musli, then mix some sugar in it and store it in a bottle. Take half a teaspoon of this powder with cow milk in the morning and evening to remove sexual weakness.
- Increase sexual stamina with turmeric – If your semen is getting thinner, then you should mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder in 1 teaspoon honey and take it on an empty stomach daily in the morning. Using it properly increases the power of sexual intercourse.
Contact a Sexologist/Urologist for problems related to sexual health.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2021
natural ways to improve your sexual stamina
How long should sex last?
If you're wondering how to increase your sexual stamina, there are things you can try.
How can I improve my sexual stamina?
Exercise regularly
Try some pelvic floor exercises
Eat a healthy diet
You should also try to avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar, salt or saturated fat.
Can I take a herbal supplement to increase my stamina?
Key points
- ‘sexual stamina’ can mean many different things
- studies show the average time taken for ejaculation during sex is 5 and a half minutes
- regular exercise can improve your cardiovascular health, improving your overall stamina
- experts think that pelvic floor exercises can improve sexual function
- masturbating may help you to improve your sexual stamina
- there isn’t enough research to justify the use of herbal supplements to improve sexual function
Friday, September 10, 2021
What are the Types of Leucorrhea?
What is an Ayurvedic View of Leucorrhea?
The main causes as per Ayurveda are-
Adhyashana- Intake of repeated food which leads to indigestion
Garbhapata- Too many of abortions
Ashuchi- Unhygienic activities and infection
What are the Causes of Leucorrhea?
- Poor hygiene: Improper and poor hygienic conditions, especially during days of the menstrual cycle, may lead to leucorrhea.
- Injury: Any injury or infections in the vagina causes leucorrhea. These may occur due to frequent abortions, excessive indulgence in sex, and during or after childbirth.
- Infections: Bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections in the vagina can also be the cause. Parasites which are responsible for causing infection in women like Trichomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia trachomatis, etc.
- Diseases: Various diseases that weaken the immunity and make the body susceptible to infections can cause subsequent discharge like Syphilis, gonorrhoea, AIDS etc.
- Intrauterine contraceptive devices: Use of IUCD in excess causes irritation and discharge in females.
- Wearing of moist synthetic undergarments and clothes, combined with poor hygiene can also cause infections that may lead to vaginal discharge.
- Other certain causes which are considered to be responsible for abnormal discharge are:
- Improper diet and lifestyle
- Intake of imbalanced foods like fried, heavy, cold, sweet, etc
- Fungal Infection in the body
- General weakness
- Imbalanced hormones
- Not maintaining proper vaginal hygiene
What are the symptoms of leucorrhea?
Here are some of the common symptoms of leucorrhea:
- The vaginal discharge may be greenish, yellowish, thick or cheesy
- Strong and foul vaginal odour
- The urethra (vulva) and vagina is red and there will be itching, burning or irritation
- Bleeding or spotting unrelated to the period
- Pain in the lower abdomen and lower limbs
- Irritation and intense itching in the genital tract
- Excessive painful intercourse
- General fatigue and weakness
- The urgency to pass urine
- Lack of concentration on work due to being conscious of the discharge
- Mood changes or disturbances
- Rashes on the genital area
- Mild constipation
- The patient may have black patches beneath the eyes.
What is the Ayurvedic Treatment for Leucorrhea?
Description of all the products in detail:
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily with normal water.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice daily.
What are the home remedies for leucorrhea?
Other than medicines CAC advices to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle
- Diet- Avoid fried and spicy foods. Those who are suffering with leucorrhea are suggested not to stay empty stomach for a long time. Sour things, especially pickle and curd, are prohibited. Supari has the properties which are helpful in prevention and treatment therefore should be taken after a meal.
- One suffering with leucorrhea should lead a healthy lifestyle and should avoid tensions and worries and also avoid waking late nights.
- Sexual intercourse during the attack of this disease is totally prohibited.
- A brisk walk in the early morning is helpful in the early cure of disease. Sanitary and hygienic measures should be followed carefully.
Yogasana and Pranayamas that are useful in leucorrhea:
- Anulom Bhiloom
- Shiva Pranayame
- Bhastrika
- Dhouti
- Ardha BhujangaSana
- Janusirasana
- Uddyan Bhanda Mudra
- Shetalec Pranayama
- Bandhakane Asana
- Avoid the intake of heavy, oily, fried, spicy, and sour foods
- Don’t take tea, coffee, alcohol, aerated drinks, and also avoid non-vegetarian food.
- Chewing betel nuts after meals also shows goods results.
- Increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, and salads in diet.
- Increase intake of liquids such as water, soup, milk, and juice which helps in flushing out the toxins.
- Maintain proper hygiene and wash undergarments with an antibiotic solution, you need to dry the undergarments under the sun.
- Avoid watching or reading the stuff which stimulates sexual feelings.
- If there is an excessive discharge, you should avoid sugar or any sweet items like pastry, custard, ice cream, and all other sweet dishes.
- Avoid hot and spicy foods
Providing home remedies for treating leucorrhoea. Here are some the home remedies:
Prepare a fresh juice from fresh neem leaves 20 ml twice daily with an equal amount of water.
The application of neem oil over the affected area of the vagina is also very beneficial.
Take one tsp of Amla powder with a glass of water once daily.
Eating fresh fruit of Amla maintains the overall health of an individual.
Prepare a fresh juice of Aloe vera and drink it twice daily.
You can also apply a fresh pulp of Aloe vera over the affected area of the vagina.
The use of fresh leaves of fenugreek daily is very beneficial.
Take a teaspoonful of fenugreek powder with a glass of water once or twice daily for better leaves.
Use fresh coriander leaves for cooking purposes that also helps in treating leucorrhea.
Decoction of its seeds can also be used for washing the vagina.
Soak the walnut overnight in a glass of water and eat it early in the morning on an empty stomach.
Drink green coconut water daily.
You can also apply coconut oil directly applied to the affected part of the vagina.
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पत्थर जैसा सख्त करना है तो इसका 1 टुकड़ा ले लेना, फिर देखना कमाल | mardana takat ka desi tarika
पत्थर जैसा सख्त करना है तो इसका 1 टुकड़ा ले लेना, फिर देखना कमाल | mardana takat ka desi tarika

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